3M in SEA

After travelling in Indonesia for 3 weeks in September 2017, I couldn’t stop thinking about travelling more and exploring new countries, cultures and textiles.

A few months later, it was still on my mind and one morning I decided to book a flight to Thailand for September 2018.

Fast forward and a year since Indonesia has passed, I got my diploma, graduated from Chelsea College of Arts with a BA in Textile Design, I spent the summer with family and friends and on September the second I was on a plane starting my adventure.

Thailand: Mae Wang & Chiang Mai

Back-strap weaving and indigo dyeing

Cambodia: Siem Reap & Indonesia: Bali

Weaving and Macrame

Laos: Vientiane & Luang Prabang

Weaving, Natural Dyeing, Hmong Embroidery, Batik & Bamboo Weaving

Vietnam: Sapa & Hoi An

Embroidery, Embellishment, Natural Dyeing and Lantern Making

Thailand: Chiang Mai

Weaving and Back-strap Weaving

Myanmar: Inle Lake & Laos: Vientiane

Lotus fibre Spinning and Weaving

A “textile research trip” to South East Asia - to do textile workshops and learn more about traditional techniques.

The trip lasted exactly 100 days. I visited 7 countries, I was on 21 flights and 5 buses, I spent a lot of time on scooters, cars, boats and motorbikes.

I did 21 textile workshops in weaving, dyeing, embroidery, batik, bamboo weaving, macrame, embellishment and spinning.

I have been writing a blog about everything I learnt and saw, you can find it under the journal section on my website.


Collaboration with ISV architects

