Athens May-July 2019: Getting a puppy, working on my first collection and first studio

During the Easter Holidays I went to Mani with my family. There is a small taverna we always go to, and there they told me about some new stray puppies in the area. When I saw the little bear I couldn’t stop myself. I had just moved into my new flat/studio that had a garden and I really wanted a puppy. I wanted a smaller dog to be honest, but when I saw him - I fell in love.

So, that’s how I found Ito, my rescue pup - half German Shepherd half Kangal Shepherd dog.

So - the name Ito.

I met up with two friends the day before going to get Ito. I still hadn't decided on a name. One of them said "why don't you find a name that has to do with textiles/what you are working on?" I liked the idea, however I couldn't really find a word that would sound nice as a name in Greek or English.

So the same evening I went home and started looking at Japanese words that have to do with textiles, weaving, natural dyeing etc. I love the Japanese language, I really like the sound of their words.

Ito means yarn in Japanese.

Around the same time I got Ito, my Icarus loom was delivered. I started weaving from my studio which was amazing. Around the same time, Korina a jewellery designer called me and told me she has a small floor loom from her sister that passed away and that she would like to give it to me, as well as a lot of un-dyed cotton yarn. So suddenly I ended up with two looms in my studio and a lot of un-dyed greek wool and cotton yarn waiting to be naturally dyed.

The flowers I had planted in my garden started growing and I started using them for bundle dyeing for my first collection. The other dye plants were also growing and in May I repotted them to bigger pots.

A very busy period, where I experimented with all the techniques I had learnt in South East Asia, creating new pieces for my upcoming first collection. A lot of natural dyeing and experimentation, fabric sourcing, meetings with pattern cutters and seamstresses, drawing and painting to create some digital prints, weaving my own designs on my loom, while still going on weaving classes with Mrs Tina to learn new techniques.


Soufli August-September 2019: Teaching Natural Dyeing in Soufli, Silk Research Trip


Nice & Monaco April 2019: Exhibitions